Care of Your Clock
Did you know?
Your Clock is a valuable addition to your home and often becomes a family heirloom. Never allow anyone but a trained individual to set-up your clock or perform any work on it.
Care of Your Clock
Floor Clocks should be oiled every three years and cleaned every third oiling (nine years). We recommend a trained and experienced clocksmith perform such maintenance.
To operate properly, a Floor Clock must be level from front to back and from side to side.
Never allow anyone but a trained individual to set-up your clock or perform any work on your clock. If you take care of it, it will reward you with many years of beauty, accuracy and joy!
Clock Troubleshooting
Here are the Most Common Problems and Possible Remedies for troubleshooting problems that may arise with your clock:
1. Clock Strikes Wrong
Ex: Clock strikes 10 times but reads 11 o'clock.
• Move hour hand back one hour (the hour hand moves freely). Then move minute hand forward one hour (15 minutes at a time to allow for chiming).
Ex. Clock strikes 11 times but reads only 10 o'clock.
• Move hour hand forward one hour. Then move minute hand back one hour. Important - if clock is off more than an hour - Do Not turn minute hand backwards - instead, stop the clock until correct time catches up.
2. Clock Loses Time
Ex: Loses 5 minutes a day.
• Turn pendulum set screw 10 revolutions to the right (every 2 revolutions equals 1 minute).
Ex. Clock strikes 11 times but reads only 10 o'clock.
• Move hour hand forward one hour. Then move minute hand back one hour. Important - if clock is off more than an hour - Do Not turn minute hand backwards - instead, stop the clock until correct time catches up.
3. Clock Gains Time
Ex: Gains 5 minutes a day.
• Turn pendulum set screw 10 revolutions to the left (be sure the "Bob" moves down with the set screw)..
4. Clock Doesn't Chime
• Be sure chimes are turned on
• Check for packing.
• Check lever - must be engaged in position.
• Wall/Mantel clocks must be wound tightly.
• You may not consciously hear them chime every time.
• Be sure heaviest weight is on the right side. Turn pendulum set screw 10 revolutions to the right (every 2 revolutions equals 1 minute).
5. Clock Only runs 5 minutes to 14 minutes
The clock is out of beat.
• Or a service call is necessary.
• Get out your manual and read about verge assembly.
2. Going on vacation - How do we stop the clock?
• Stop the pendulum.
𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮 Chimes 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮
The majority of Floor Clocks available today are equipped with Westminster Chimes. Certain clocks are also supplied with triple chimes so that the turning of a selector switch on the dial face give the choice of Westminster, Whittington or St. Michael's chimes.
The Westminster Chime strikes four notes on the quarter hour, eight notes on the half hour, twelve notes on the three quarter hour, and on the hour chimes sixteen notes and strikes the hour
Some clocks are now equipped with a sequential chime movement that plays Westminster, St. Michael and Whittington chimes sequentially or solely.
Most clocks have a "Big-Ben" hour gong. The majority of floor clocks have a series of chime rods inside the case, which upon being struck by the clock's "hammers" results in a harmonious chime. Chime rods are about 1/4" in diameter and vary from 12" to 17" in length. A rare minority of floor clocks utilize chime tubes instead of rods. Tubes are 1" to 1 1'2" in diameter and 43" to 62" in length, and create an entirely different tonal quality.
Chime Shut-Off
Most clocks have a means of silencing both the chime section and the hour strike. This is accomplished by a lever on the dial face or by two draw-cords inside the cabinet.
A new feature on some clocks is the night silencer that automatically silences the clock between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Other Chime Options
Some floor clocks available on the market today are equipped with a self-adjustment mechanism to insure that the clock strikes and chimes at the proper time. If it is necessary to move the hands either backward or forward, the clock will self-adjust within one hour.
Listen to the Chimes!
Courtesy of Sligh Grandfather Clocks, we have included the most common chimes here for you to enjoy. Click on the links below to hear them:
Westminster Chimes
The world's most famous chimes are the Westminster. Nearly everyone associates the Westminster chimes with the Clock Tower (also known as the 'Big Ben Tower' ) at the House of Parliament in London. Originally, however, they were fitted to the clock of the University Church, St Mary's the Great, in Cambridge, England. The words to this beautiful chime come from one of G. F. Handel's famous musical compositions, "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" and could be our daily prayer:
"Lord through this hour,
Be Thou our guide
So, by Thy power
No foot shall slide."
Whittington Chimes
The famous Whittington chime is derived from the Church of St. Mary's le Bow, in Cheapside, London. The legend is that Dick Whittington, running away from ill treatment as a house waif, seemed to hear the chimes say, "Turn again- Whittington, Lord Mayor of London Town." Dick turned back to eventually serve three terms as London's Lord Mayor of London Town.
St. Michael Chimes
The story of the St. Michael chimes are one of adventure and perhaps have more significance to the United States since their history is really a part of our heritage. The bells were cast in London and installed in St. Michael's Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 1764. When the British took over the city during the Revolutionary War the bells were taken by them back to England. A Charleston merchant bought them in England and shipped them home to America.
In 1823, cracks were found in some of the bells and they were returned to London to be recast. In 1862, during the siege of Charleston, the bells were moved to Columbia for safe-keeping but Sherman's army set fire to that area. Only fragments of the bells were found to be returned to London once more, where the original molds still stood. In February, 1867, the bells were again installed in St. Michael Steeple and on March 21st, joyously rang out, "Home again, Home again from a foreign Land."
Winchester Chimes
While not included in our "listening" midis, the Winchester chimes also have a very interesting history. The Norman conquerors of England did not like the fantastic cathedral chimes of the Saxons, so Bishop Walkilin, a kinsman of William the Conqueror, demolished and rebuilt the Winchester chimes in 1093. The cathedral's central tower, which contained the chimes, fell in 1107 but soon was rebuilt. This edifice forms a substantial part of the present cathedral, located in Hampshire, England. The lyrics of the Winchester chime is:
"O Art Divine, exalted blessing!
Each celestial charm expressing!
Proudest gift the gods bestow
Sweetest chimes that mortals know."
Clock Collectors
Did You Know?
Clock collecting has been growing in the last 20 yeas and the number of serious collectors has increased. Prices for clocks are relatively modest though when compared to Works of Art or Bronzes. When buying a painting or bronze, what you see is what you get. However with a clock, not only are your getting a beautiful piece to look at, but also a wondrous mechanical masterpiece with rhythmic motion and sounds that are soothing to the ear. And then of course you get a functioning timepiece that tells you the time of day.
Much of the value of a clock stems from the appearance, the time period, the maker, the number made, and the condition. As with any collection, always buy the best you can afford. If you will pardon the pun - 'Collecting clocks is a timeless hobby'.
Clocks For The Discriminating Buyer
We are proud to present these exquisite clocks For The Discriminating Buyer. These clocks are special in so many ways! They may increase in value, and ownership is a sign of distinction in itself. Many are one-of-a-kind and almost all are Limited Editions.
Clocks For The Discriminating Buyer

Sinclair Harding Fine Clocks honours the historical tradition of fine English clockmaking. With its range of beautiful hand crafted clocks, this unique company embraces the horological industry’s ideals for precision, quality and perfection.
Nearly 5 years in the making the Sinclair Harding H1 is a wonderful combination of art and fascinating mechanics, all finished to an exquisite standard.

Sun and Moon Mantel Clock
Still made in the historical tradition of fine English clock making that reflects the horological industry's ideals for precision, quality and perfection. Very Limited production with each dial being hand painted and each one different and numbered and signed.
Ridgeway Clocks provides the oldest continuously produced grandfather clock in the United States.

Special Edition Bicentennial Clock-1976
In honor of American's 200th Anniversary of Independence in 1976, Ridgeway Clock Company in Ridgeway, Virginia designed a Special Edition Clock. Only 1000 of these special designed clocks were made.
As was the custom at the time, Ridgeway's production department made five prototypes as original models on which the later clocks were copied or based. These 5 clocks were hand made according to the drawings and specifications. After these prototypes were made and approved, the production machinery was set up and calibrated to machine produce 1000 more numbered clocks just like the prototypes.
Will Rogers Clock Store in Tulsa, Oklahoma sold two of the numbered edition clocks for approximately $4,000 in 1976. When we tried to re-order they were told that all the clocks had been sold and that there were only a couple of the five prototypes available. If Will Rogers wanted one of these clocks they could have it. It was the opinion of the factory representative that these clocks would become more of a collectors item than even the numbered edition clocks. And that is the history of how this clock was acquired.
There is one difference in this clock than when it was originally shipped. All the original clocks came with chrome chains. Over a period of years the chrome links began to stretch and would not stay on the gears properly. Occasionally, the chain would slip on the gear and the weights would then slip just a little and cause the weights to vibrate. When the factory was made aware of this, they advised going back to brass chain. Most clocks by now have probably been converted over the brass chain.
This clock has a Urgos Movement in it with the serial #143445. It is a 5 Tubular movement with a silencer on it. The polished brass and gleaming chrome five tubular bell movement was designed by Urgos of Uhrenfabrik. It is the finest available.
The face of this clock is truly unique. It is solid brass finely etched with a pewter finish. At its center is a large gilded American Eagle surrounded by polished brass Roman numerals. Above that, a moving disc notes the phrases of the moon and carries etchings depicting the Liberty Bell and the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. There is no other clock face like it.
This clock is unique in that it was not one of the original one thousand clocks. It is "truly a clock to measure centuries".
23" W x 12" D x 86" H
Wood Finishes

Each clock manufacturer has varying techniques when it comes to the way they produce the wood finishes on their clocks. The Finish Samples listed here give you an idea of how those finishes look but bear in mind that there are natural color variations in wood and of course your browser may render these images differently, depending upon your color settings on your computer.
Clock Histories
History of Grandfather Clocks
The centuries of struggle and discovery, frustrations and triumphs spent by man in his attempts to measure time accurately are behind every graceful and precise grandfather or grandmother clock. It is indeed the culmination of a rich history, which we are happy to share with you here.
Early man noticed that a shadow, cast by a mountain or a tree, pointed in a different direction at various times of the day. From this observation, the idea of the sundial evolved. Sundials were employed for centuries and many ruins of these ancient timekeepers can be seen throughout Europe.
The Chaldeans of Biblical times hit upon the idea of dividing the day and night into two 12-hour periods. But it took the Egyptians to discover an improvement in timekeeping. Through trial and error, they invented a clepsydra or water clock. These clocks usually operated by the escape of water from a funnel-shaped reservoir into a second chamber. This chamber, equipped with a float, measured the hours of day and night as the water level raised the float.
The beginning of clock making and the eventual end of other horological devices began when the Chinese discovered a method of preventing the power of any time device from running away unchecked. What the Chinese invented became known as an "escapement", and it is still an integral part of all clock making. The escapement is a small brake or check that stops the wheels of the clock regularly. Thus, the wheels cannot build up momentum and race when the clock is first wound, then go slowly as the clock runs down. This stop-and-go movement of the clock works is quite literally what makes the clock tick.
Galileo, the famous astronomer and mathematician, developed the thesis of a pendulum; however, a Dutch scientist, Christian Huygens, is credited with putting theory into practice in 1657.
Other parts of the clock were soon invented. It took a German, Peter Hole of Nuremburg, to devise the principle of the spring. This was a tremendous step in making clocks more accurate. Soon, minute hands were added; later came the long-hanging pendulum and detached lever escapement.
The English long case clock, better known today as the grandfather or grandmother clock, became known to the civilized world during the last part of the 17th and throughout the 18th century. This was the "golden age" of English clock making.
The heritage of the grandfather and grandmother clocks was carried across the ocean by American colonists. Soon Americans were manufacturing their own clocks with the same careful attention to detail practiced by their English forebearers.
The demand for floor clocks has been revived in this country. And with reason, these clocks help make any house a home. Their resonant ticking and their mellow chimes evoke memories of a more romantic and less hurried era, when the art of being a good host rivaled that of the clockmaker. Indeed clocks are experiencing a renaissance, and we hope you enjoy this renaissance as well.
The Moon Dial
Before the calendar was developed, men judged the passing time by phases of the moon. The arch above the moon dial indicates the 29 1/2 days of every lunar month (not to be confused with the calendar month). The half-globe of the left represents the Western Hemisphere;...the half-globe on the right, the Eastern Hemisphere. As the Disc moves clockwise behind these globes, it tells the phases of the moon.
Today, it is difficult for us to realize just how important the ever-changing phases of the moon were in times gone by. In the late 17th century the moon dial was added to most long case clocks so people could plan ahead for when the moon was full and travel at night was not so hazardous. Clockmasters endeavored to simulate and approximate the appearance of the moon in the heavens on the face of clocks.
The arched dial was first used in clocks in the beginning of the 18th century and presented a real challenge to the makers of fine clocks. In approximately 1720, moving figures began to appear in this space, figures which moved back and forth with the swing of the pendulum. They used prancing deer, rocking ships and Father Time with his scythe. At that time, there was no practical value of this feature on the clock; it was simply a pleasing way of showing motion and life.
After motion had been added in the arch above the dial the next step was to reproduce the progress of the moon from phase to phase. The proverbial "Man in the Moon" was used on most dials with a landscape and/or seascape on the other half of the circle - symbols of sea - the rocking ship, and of land - the prancing deer.
The moving moon dial performed a functional purpose to the early settlers and farmers by telling them of the various phases of the lunar month. Crops were both planted and harvested according to the lunar cycle. Many beliefs concerning the moon and its effects have been recorded. Some of these include:
Sweep the house in the dark of the moon and you will have neither moths nor spiders.
Trees planted at Full Moon will bear well
Plant peas and potatoes in the increase of the moon.
The number of snows during winter is indicated by the number of days from the first snow fall to the following Full Moon.
In our very modern world today, the moving moon section of the dial is more decorative than useful, but it is still a very sought after feature. While the moon itself has remained a vital part of the dial, now other "signs of our times" are also depicted.
Some more mature people are still concerned about the word "Veneer". They might have had some bad experiences with veneering several years ago because veneering used to have a tendency to delaminate or separate because of changing humidity conditions. But today, because of stronger glues and new construction methods, there is not any problem with separating or warping. Actually veneers are much stronger and more stable than solid woods and they allow the manufacturers to be much more creative. They are able to create beautiful looks and even matched grain effects that they would be unable to do otherwise, or at such a great cost that the finished product would be overly expensive. Veneering actually dates back to ancient Egypt and Rome but it was not until the 17th century that veneering begin to be practiced more extensively.
Currently, there are some photographic processes that can print or engrave a popular wood grain on rugged hardboard panels. They have the same attractive appearance of real wood veneer but are usually less expensive. Some clock companies are using this process now on the interior back side of clocks to make clocks even more attractive than before.
Do you want to know more about the clock you have? Wanting to know more about different clock manufacturers? Wanting to know the value of an old clock? Wanting to make your own clock? Wanting to get parts for your clock? Here are some good sources on the web for you to check out.
The American Society of Appraisers Here you can call 1-800-272-8258 and they will assist you in finding a qualified appraiser.
The Antique Road Show. Here you can get a list of certified clock appraisers. Click on Appraisers, then click on clocks & watches.
The Clock Forum is a place to interact on a Bulletin Board. You can ask questions about all sorts of things and get answers from other people. Like what's the difference between the Hermle and Kieninger clock movements? What do you think my clocks worth?
The American Clock & Watch Museum. They charge a minimal research fee but they have an excellent research library and a huge collection of clocks and watches from the 17th century to the present. They can find information on almost any American-made clock. They cannot appraise items but they will assist in identifying your clock, it's model name, production dates and other details.
The Historical Clock and Watch Web Site is in England but they have a wonderful source of information on and about clocks from all over the world. They have a Bulletin Board for Historical Inquiries and a huge Library Index where you can look up all sorts of information.
Check the time in all 50 States and and U.S. Terrorities. Tell Me The Time.
Clock Kits. Are you wanting to make your own clock or need a clock movement or dial face. Check this company out in Wisconsin.
Other Things of Interest...
BURLAP TO CASHMERE, a popular contemporary Christian Band came out with a song a couple of years ago entitled B.I.B.L.E. If you haven't heard the song, the abbreviation B.I.B.L.E. in the song was Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Have you come to the TIME in your spiritual life where you know for certain if you were to die TODAY, that you would have eternal life? There is a sentence in the Bible that tells you the Purpose of the Bible,and that is 1 John 5:13...These words (the Bible) I have written to that you may know you have eternal life.
IF it was your TIME to die TODAY and stand before GOD and He asked you,"Why should I let you into Heaven?" Would you have the right answer?? There is another short sentence in the Bible that tells you HOW you can have Eternal Life, and that can be found in John 6:47. If you have a MINUTE or two, we would like you to hear THE GOOD NEWS...
1. God loves you and wants you to have the FREE Gift of peace and eternal life. The Bible says..."I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly." John 10:10 But something stands in the way of receiving this FREE Gift however, and that is our SIN.
2. God created us in His own image to have an abundant life with Him. And He gave us a will and freedom of choice. However, all of us have sinned and have separated ourselves from God. The Bible get into Heaven we must be perfect. We must be like Jesus, never to have sinned. The passing grade is 100. So if we look at it that way - there's no way we can get into Heaven. So what are we to do? God realizes the problem and wants to help us, because He loves us.
3. God is Loving. It says so in the Bible (1 John 4:9). But the Bible also tells us that God says "I will not let the guilty go unpunished." So God is Loving and God is Just. There is a story that actually happened about a man named Garcia. He was in a foreign country that was under a Dictatorship and Garcia was a Freedom Fighter, a General. Someone was stealing supplies from their camp, so Garcia ordered that whoever was stealing would be whipped in public. It turned out to be his own frail mother. Garcia had to enforce his order and had to order the whipping, knowing it could kill his mother. Just as the whipping was about to happen, Garcia took off his coat & shirt, put his body over his mothers and took the whipping for her. Do you see what happened here and the similarity to what God has done for us? YES, God solved the problem of our sins, ordered punishment, but then Jesus appeared on our behalf.
4. God came to earth to live among us for awhile in the person of Jesus. And Jesus died for us on the cross. It's through the person of Jesus Christ (like Garcia) who took the punishment, who died on the cross and rose from the grave so that we may have eternal life. The Bible says..."God is on one side and all the people on the other side, and Jesus, Himself man, is between them to bring them together". 1 Timothy 2:5 Does everyone receive this gift? NO! Then how do we get this gift?
5. Through FAITH. By just believing that Jesus died and rose again for US and for YOU. The Bible says..."For by grace we are saved by our faith, and not by our good works, it is a FREE gift of God." Ephesians 2:8 For this FREE gift we now should show God our Thanks by living a life more pleasing to Him. *** Is this the TIME where it is making sense to you? *** If it is the right TIME and you would like to receive the FREE gift of eternal life, then The Bible says..."If you confess with your mouth you Believe in the Lord Jesus and Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
If you are ready to receive this FREE gift then you just need to repeat this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins. I want to turn from my old life. And I now invite you to come into my new life. I want to put my trust in you for my eternal life and not in my own works. I thank you for your gift. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Earlier you were told there was a short sentence in the Bible that tells you HOW you can have eternal life. The Bible says..."Verily, Verily I say to you, he that believes in Me (Jesus) has eternal life." John 6:47 If TODAY, in this HOUR, in this MINUTE, you accepted Jesus into your life - WELCOME into the family of God. Now become involved. Check out the web site Find a location and Church (now in over 200 countries) where you can take this short, exciting course and learn more about Jesus and the Bible. It is non-denominational and non-threatening. And also become involved... With a church. With Reading the Bible. In Prayer. In fellowship with other Christians. and In telling others about Jesus Christ.
Terms Defined
Common Terms
Arabic - Most familiar numeral style (1, 2, 3, etc.) used on clock dials, as distinguished from Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.)
Bezel - Front section of clock case, usually including grooved rim into which crystal is set. May also describe flat decorative surface adjacent to clock dial.
Big Ben Gong - Deep sounding chime that announces the hour, patterned after the large bell in the clock tower of the House of Parliament in London.
Bim-Bam - Descriptive term for clock chimes which sound only at the half hour and hour
Blind Man's Chime - Also known as 4/4 Chime. This means that a portion of the Westminster chime is played every quarter hour. Four notes on the quarter-hour, eight notes on the half-hour, twelve notes on the three-quarter hour, and on the hour it chimes sixteen notes and then strikes the hour. If you are in another room or 'Blind', you can tell if its 15, 30 or 45 after by the number of the notes or sequences of the chime.
Bob - Polished round disc at lower end of clock pendulum, usually adjustable, to provide regulation of timekeeping rate.
Bow Top - A design feature of some wall, shelf and grandfather clock cases, characterized by a curved top section.
Cabinet - The wooden case of a wall, shelf or grandfather clock, that encloses the dial and movement and usually the pendulum.
Cable Driven - A movement powered by weights hanging by cables from the movements.
Chime Rods - Stationary metal rods that are finely tuned, that when struck by small hammers create melodious chimes and the hour gong.
Crown - The top of the clock.
Escapement - The device in a clock which controls the action of its mechanism by releasing the mainspring or weight power at precise intervals.
Finial - A decorative ornament, usually in wood or brass, forming the upper extremity of a column or structure. Often use to complement the design of chime clock cabinets.
Finish - Process in which the wood surface is smoothed, stained and polished.
Grandfather Clock - A general term used to describe a floor clock that is 80" or more in height.
Grandmother Clock - A floor clock similar to, but smaller than grandfather designs, usually less than 80" in height.
Half Hour Strike - Chiming feature of clocks which strike both the half hour and hour, sometimes called "Bim-Bam" chimes.
Hands - Pointed metal indicators, usually decorative, which mark the hours, minutes and seconds on the clock dial.
Inlaid Veneers - Thin layers of carefully chosen wood delicately set into a wood base to form a decorative pattern.
Keywound - A term used to describe mechanical clocks powered by a mainspring.
Marquetry - Decorative inlaid patterns of wood, ivory, etc. used in furniture.
Moon Dial/Lunar Dial - An extra feature on some clocks, to indicate correct phase of the moon each day. The dial makes one complete revolution every 29 1/2 days to coincide with the lunar cycle.
Movement - The inner mechanism of a clock; may be keywound, weight driven, quartz, electric or electronic (battery powered),
Pediment - An architectural term which, when applied to grandfather clocks, describes the flat cabinet surface immediately above the dial.
Pendulum - A swinging rod and weight (bob), suspended below the clock movement to regulate the movement's timekeeping.
Pilaster - A flat decorative panel, usually rectangular in shape, used for columnar effect in clock cabinet design.
Quarter Hour Strike - Chime clocks which toll the quarter, half and three-quarter hour, in addition to every full hour.
Regulator - An adjustment lever or screw, used to correct the timekeeping rate of a clock.
School Clock - A traditional wooden cabinet wall clock design usually characterized by a round or octagonal case, large Arabic numeral dial and lower cabinet section with a glass door through which the pendulum is visible.
Scroll - Gracefully curved ornament suggesting a partially opened parchment scroll, used to embellish the top of a wooden clock cabinet, particularly a grandfather style.
St. Michael Chimes - Dates back to the Revolutionary War period and used in St. Michael's Church steeple in Charleston, SC.
Straight Sided- Clock style in which the body of the clock is measured evenly in width from the crown to the base.
Tempus Fugit - Latin phrase meaning "Time Flies", frequently engraved on a decorative panel above clock dials.
Triple Chimes - An extra feature on fine chime clocks, usually providing selection of Westminster, Whittington an St. Michael melodies, in addition to a "Silent" choice.
Tubular Bell Chimes - Long, hollow chimes carefully tuned to provide most resonant tones and accurate pitch.
Veneers - Thin layers of carefully chosen wood that are permanently bonded to a wood base.
Waisted - Traditionally styled clock with the crown and base wider than the body of the clock that encases the pendulum
Weight - Heavy metal piece used to power certain types of chime clock movements. Usually enclosed in polished brass tubes to enhance the decorative effect.
Weight driven - A timekeeping mechanism in which movement power is provided by the gravitational effect of heavy weights.
Westminster Chimes - Most familiar of all chime melodies, associated with the Victoria Clock Tower of the House of Parliament in London. Originally part of University Church clock in Cambridge. Often used in door chimes.
Whittington Chimes - A lesser known but equally melodious chime, from church of St. Mary-le-Bow, where Dick Whittington first heard the call to become Lord Mayor of London.
Winchester Chimes - Melodious chimes originating around 1093 from the cathedral's central tower in Hampshire, England.
Please E-mail us the item number of any clock
for pricing or call us at